{Review} Resisting the Rebel by Lisa Brown Roberts

Fluffy and swoony, Resisting the Rebel features a flailworthy guy and a sweet girl that you’ll be rooting for.

Swoony Boys Podcast Episode 36: Author Talk featuring Jessica Brody

Don’t miss our latest Author Talk podcast episode, this time featuring Jessica Brody!

{Review} Defying Gravity by Kendra C. Highley

A disappointing follow-up to Finding Perfect, Defying Gravity is filled with drama, but has a swoony boy that will make you fall in love with him.

{Review} Life After Juliet by Shannon Lee Alexander

Life After Juliet will tug at your heartstrings for sure, but it will also remind you what it’s like to fall in love and will redeem your faith in girlpower and redemption.

#TGIM Blog {Tour} A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody (with our Best and Worst)

#TGIM We’re celebrating A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody today with our Best and Worst Monday Memories for the #AWeekofMondays tour!

{Tour} Little Black Dresses, Little White Lies by Laura Stampler (with Character Interview, Review, + Giveaway)

We’ve got a fun interview with Harper and Ben from Little Black Dresses, Little White Lies by Laura Stampler, along with a great giveaway and our thoughts on the book.

{Interview} with Krystal Sutherland, debut author of Our Chemical Hearts

We’ve got a fun #Interview with debut author Krystal Sutherland, along with a #Giveaway of Our Chemical Hearts!

{Review} The Secret Life of a Dream Girl by Tracy Deebs

Our favorite of the Creative HeArts series, The Secret Life of a Dream Girl is a fast, fun read with characters you won’t be able to get enough of.